Following our Marvel outing in February, March started as it meant to go on with much geek-filled wonderment.
On the first Saturday of the month, I boarded a coach with 30+ excited Guides to go to the Making of Harry Potter at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour in Leavesden.
The last time I went was the 5th May 2012. I know this because when we finished the tour, we had a message from my brother to say that my nephew had arrived safely into the world. It was a wonderful day all round! It had only been open for a couple of months when I last went, so I was excited to see what else had been added, particularly the Hogwarts Express!
It certainly didn't disappoint. I forgot just how amazing the tour is and not just because I'm a huge Potterhead. If you are a film lover and have an appreciation for everything from costume and set design, to the detail that goes into props and the animatronics, then you will love this tour. The magic isn't spoilt in the slightest - if anything, it feels even more magical seeing the heart and soul that was poured into bringing the books to the big screen.
One of the highlights for me was having my very first Butterbeer! I was warned that it would be very sweet and so I was worried I might not like it, but I'm pleased to say I enjoyed it immensely. Definitely one to be kept for special occasions though!
As much as I loved immersing myself in this magical world once more, it is difficult to be fully present in its wonder when you are mentally counting small people dressed in blue to make sure that you haven't lost any.
I will definitely be going back later this year (preferably on a weekday during term time) so that I can fully appreciate the experience. Plus Gringotts is opening next month so I have to go again... right?
The end of the first week of March brought two very special events that I was equally excited about for very different reasons.
Friday 8th March, aka International Women's Day, was the release date for The Woman I'm Becoming. This book is a collaboration between 21 women who all wrote a chapter on a topic around advice they wish they had been given as a teenager.
With chapters covering everything from self-identity and bereavement to hormones and finance, this book is a must for every teenager in today's society. I, for one, wish I'd had a book like this when I was younger and my mum even said the same. This book may be aimed at teenagers, but it has something for everyone and should be on a shelf in every home.
My dear friend, Carol-Ann Reid, wrote a chapter on "Awakening the Warrior Within" so, of course, I was on hand the morning of the launch encouraging everyone to buy a copy on Kindle. I am so proud to say that within hours it had become an Amazon No. 1 Bestseller. Here's to many more bestsellers, Carol-Ann!
International Women's Day also saw the release of Captain Marvel. Of course I had a ticket to see it opening night, and while I was at my usual level of stupidly excited, I have to admit I didn't really know what to expect.

First of all can I just say that being the first film since the passing of Stan Lee... well played Marvel. Well played! Don't think there was a dry eye in the house during the opening montage and that cameo was just heart-warming. The fact they extended the scene using footage where Brie broke character. MY HEART BROKE! Perfection!
Overall I really enjoyed the film. I'm sure that fans of the original comics have some valid points to make, but as someone who went along to the cinema on a Friday evening looking for a way to escape the working week... a solid 8.5/10 from me!
The chemistry between Brie Larson and Samuel L. Jackson was fun and natural, the 90s references and music were a nostalgic dream come true and Goose, quite rightfully, stole the show! I've been playing No Doubt and Nirvana constantly since watching it, along with any other 90s tunes that Spotify decided fit the bill, and the only reason it didn't get a 10 was the severe lack of Chris Evans. But what can you do? I've got to get use to him not being in the films after April. OK, I think I just need to take a minute...

I also bought a Captain Marvel bag. A bag for kids. From the Disney Store. I don't even care. It's lush! I'm totally one of the cool kids...
I really didn't give myself a chance to slow down this month. Last year when I did my coaching training, I made a friend for life in Kate, but since the end of the course we haven't had many chances to meet up. After a lot of messaging backwards and forward, we finally fixed a date to meet up.
Kate was coming to me, which is quite a distance, so I felt it was only fair that she got to say what we did for the day. "What did she choose for the most blustery day of the year?" I hear you ask.
The beach. She wanted to go to the beach.
So off we went to the beach for a battered sausage and chips, hot donuts and a stroll through Hastings Old Town. It was cold, wet and very windy (the kind of wind that makes your forehead hurt!), but we had a lovely day and we're already making plans for sunnier times.
The next day I went round to Sarah and Tom's and together we set off (with little Gracie) to Hampshire for a catch up with some of our oldest besties - a mix of school and uni friends.
We left school 17 years ago (DAMN!) and uni 13 years ago, but we're all still great friends - even if we don't get to see as much of each other as we'd like. They are the kind of friendships where months, even years, can pass by, but when you all get together everything just clicks back into place and you pick up where you left off.
Thanks to WhatsApp we regularly have a laugh and check in with each other, but occasions like this where we are able to get the majority of us in a room at the same time are few and far between and deserved to be treasured.
At the end of the afternoon, we took a photo and it so strongly reminded me of one that we took during our last week at uni. Some of the faces are no longer there, some new ones have come along and some couldn't be there although they wanted to.
And then there's the next generation. So far between us we have enough to relaunch S Club 7, but I have no doubt there will be more in the future. Oh, just look at them. They are all so lush! I want one!
In some ways March seemed to pass so quickly, but in other's it seemed to last forever and I think that was mainly due to the fact that it has had five weekends. I think we can safely say that so far I have been living 2019 to the full and I've seized hold of every opportunity that has comes my way. In fact there have been times where I've had to say no to something I really wanted to do because it was on the same day as something else.
Last weekend I drove up north again for a double whammy of awesomeness!
On Saturday 23rd March, Carol-Ann held a book launch event for The Woman I'm Becoming so I went along for an afternoon of prosecco (or in my case, cider), cake and lots of photographs in the cool hanging basket chair!
The Kindle edition may have been released two weeks previously, but I was so excited to get the paperback in my hands. eBooks are convenient and save space, but there's nothing like flicking through a book!
That evening I got a takeaway, climbed into bed and watched Captain America (is it just me or is that film always on TV?!) in order to prep for my mission the next day... a sub 1:30 in the Wilmslow 10k.
Much like Heaton Park back in January, it was an opportunity to meet up with friends that I usually only get to chat to online. Katie wasn't able to make it this time, but I was blessed to have Carol-Ann by my side the whole way round.
The route was beautiful, starting off in the town centre and then turning into quieter, country lanes. The sun was in the sky, but it was cool and even the smell of manure couldn't stop me from enjoying the atmosphere.
Carol-Ann ran with ease, even having a casual phone call with her mum at 7km (not bad for someone who's never run further than 6km), and reckoned we would complete the race in 1:24. I laughed. Well, I tried to laugh. I was too out of breath if I'm being honest.
One of the highlights for me was probably running up the hill. I didn't think I had it in me to run up the only hill on the route (granted it wasn't a Heaton Park hill, but still). I was flagging so Carol-Ann suggested I image something nice waiting for me at the top. Say no more. I shouted out, "Chris Evans - Captain America, not the ginger one," and propelled myself up the incline. It worked, but I'm disappointed that he didn't appear a la Ryan Phillippe at the top of the escalator in Cruel Intentions.
As the finish line came into view, so did the spectators and I suddenly heard, "One last push for Alzheimer's!" Hey random lady - don't make me cry with 100m to go! Seriously though, you think you have nothing left and a comment like that will help you to find it!
We finished at 1:24:55. I'd like to say I hate it when Carol-Ann's right, but I was super stoked and when I text Katie she replied saying that she had intended to get me around the course in 1:24 so it was clearly meant to be. And now I have a new PB to uphold. Man, oh man!
Thank you to all the volunteers who made the day possible, to the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts working the water station and to the little girl who was handing out Jelly Babies at the 8km mark. She's my hero! And a big congratulations to everyone who took part, especially my friends, whether they were doing 10k or the half marathon.
The month ended in the best possible way as we joined together to celebrate the wedding of Vicky and Chris. The ceremony was beautiful and as we left the church, the sun shone and a butterfly, an actual butterfly, flew down and landed on Vicky shoulder then moved to her bouquet - picture perfect!The reception was equally amazing. I love a theme and this wedding had, not one, but two!
Vicky loves Harry Potter, potentially more than I do, so it was inevitable that the tables would be named after Harry Potter locations. I was on the table named after The Leaky Cauldron. Still not sure whether I should be amused or offended, but I'm going with amused.
What I absolutely adored though were the favours. We were each presented with a Guide-Scout hybrid neckerchief tied with a friendship knot. That will mean nothing to some of you so please let me explain.
When Guides and Scouts go on international trips, they wear neckerchiefs to help identify each other. Guides wear the red with navy and white borders and Scouts wear the navy with white and red borders. Traditionally your necker would be tied by a friend using a friendship knot, and so you should never untie that knot in case it "undoes" the friendship.
The story of how Vicky and Chris met on an international trip was shared and what started as a lovely gift to their guests became even more meaningful and something I will cherish forever. I can honestly say I've never been to a wedding where the guests were all dressed up to the nines while wearing neckers, but it was great to see everyone joining in.
And so that is March over. Today has been a quiet one, dropping Mum off at my dad and step-mum's for her holiday, having lunch with my friend and her gorgeous munchkins and a spot of shopping at Bluewater. Tomorrow I will post this and start looking forward to the month ahead, one that I'm sure will be filled with even more stories to tell.
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