In December we seem to be surrounded by a sea of red. Whether it's holly berries, sparkling tinsel on a tree, a Yankee candle with that smell that reminds you of Christmas, a Strawberry Delight from a tin of Quality Street or Santa in his familiar red suit (thanks Coca Cola), you can't go far without seeing that vivid shade. Even the festive Mickey and Minnie that sit on my bed are wearing red!
At any other time of the year red is a colour of extremes. We relate it to emotions such as love and passion, but it is also associated with anger and danger. In January I am hoping the colour red will also make me think of determination and strength.
Last month an email dropped into my inbox announcing that R.E.D January was on the way. Run Every Day Janaury challenges you to do exactly what it says on the tin and for 2018 they have partnered with Mind so, of course, I had to sign up.
Luckily for me Run Every Day January is a little deceptive as you can run or walk anything from 5 minutes a day to 5 or 10km. The main aim is to be active for 31 consecutive days to kick-start the year in a really positive and energetic way.
Anyone who knows me that I'm not a runner... yet! I've wanted to take up running for a while now having heard so many wonderful things about how freeing it is and how much it reduces stress. Then when I read Running Like a Girl by Alexandra Heminsley earlier this year I decided that I really should give it a go. A proper go, not breaking into a jog for a few sections of parkrun on a Saturday morning.
I downloaded Couch to 5k on my phone, got an armband for my phone, got some running gloves to prepare for the impending cold weather and... that was about it. Truly appalling, I know.
I decided that this email was a sign that I should make solid effort to become a runner. I will not be running every day, but my aim is to run at least three times a week and walk the other days. I'll definitely be walking on Sunday 14th January when I do the 20km Winter Walk around London though.
So less than a month until the start of what is looking to be a very active 2018. I'm only a little bit scared. If you want to beat the January blues, then join me and get R.E.D.
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