Well, I've not been on here for a while. It feels a bit strange, but I think my friend Katy might have a word or two to say to me if I go another month without doing a favourites post. So without further ado, here are my favourites from February and March.
Bits 'n' Bobs
I was going to put these items under the heading 'Jewellery', but most of it isn't really so 'Bits 'n' Bobs' it is.
So first up we some some more purchases from The Trinket Box. I ordered this weight loss keyring because I've been losing my way with Slimming World recently and I thought this would be a really good visual to keep on me and remind me of why I'm doing this! Then a few weeks later I ordered these bear keyrings for my dad and stepmum. A while ago I started calling my dad 'Papa Bear'. No idea why, just did! Then my stepmum became 'Mama Bear' so when I saw that Sarah had these for Mother's Day I knew I had to get them. Dad had to have his Father's Day present early because I felt they shouldn't be separated.
At the end of March my friend had a party for her 30th birthday and it was a masquerade theme. I've always want to go to a masquerade ball, but I didn't realise how hard it would be to find a mask that I liked. I eventually found this bargain on eBay and absolutely adore it! Until I put it on that is. It looks gorgeous, but it did leave a dent in my forehead. It's still going in my favourites though because I felt like a princess wearing it. These earrings were an awesome find! I've wanted a pair of threader earrings since I first heard about them and I decided I wanted a pair for the aforementioned party. I had a word with my friend Google and the rest is history. I will be wearing them a lot in the future.
Not bought any clothes for what seems like ages, but I've had my eye on this shirt from George at Asda for a while now and in the end I decided to buy it before I went in one day to find out it had gone forever. I love it! It's so soft and big and baggy. I've mainly been wearing it with my skinny jeans, but it's long enough that I can just wear it with a pair of leggings too. Now these leggings here are something else. I would never usually go for a pattern quite as bold, but when I walked passed them the other day, I happened to be wearing a top in a shade of pink that went with the flowers so they ended up in the trolley. I've only worn them the once so far, but I'm actually quite taken with them. I may have to be a bit more daring more often.
I didn't need this Owl Pencil Sharpener from WHSmith. I use a mechanical pencil on the rare occasion (usually book folding) that I need to use one. But I had to have him. He's an owl, you see, and if you didn't already know, I'm a little obsessed. He's so cute! I also got this really cute notebook. Currently debating what to use it for. Maybe for planning training sessions for Girlguiding.
The new products came out at the beginning of March and while I missed out on the luminisers and setting products because they went straight on back order, I did manage to get my hands on the Brow Obsession Palette and new brushes. I also got myself a powder foundation and some freebies because Younique is awesome!