love reading and watching 'What’s in my
Bag?' blogs and vlogs so I thought I’d do one for you as part of my Twelve Days of Christmas series. I have a really bad habit of just putting stuff in my bag until it's totally full so let's just tip it all out and see what we've got...
I love my iPhone 6s Plus. Everyone says it's huge, but it's no bigger than my Sony was and so far seems to work better. I also have an iPhone 5s (maybe) for work, but the battery doesn't last very long.
Holds my driving licence, debit card, Younique card, Oyster card, Girlguiding, Trefoil Guild and Women's Equality Party membership cards and my gym membership (which is now expired so out it comes!). There's also a photo of my mum and me, those loyalty cards you get stamped for the Wild Bean Cafe and the hairdressers, a post-it with what looks like a password on (no idea what that's for). In the coin section are my shinies from Slimming World, some Metrolink tickets from when I went to Manchester (chuck), an appointment card to get my eyebrows waxed (put in my diary and chuck), two books of stamps, a discount card for Pizza Express which expired yesterday (chuck), some receipts (they look business related so I had better file them) and a Younique charm. Oh and 36p. I'm rich!
Loyalty Cards
I hated putting these in my old purse as there weren’t enough slots and putting them in the coin bit just stretched it all out. I ended up stealing this idea I saw on Pinterest and punching a hole in them all and securing them with a split ring. So much easier and I don't lose any now.
Business Cards
No explanation needed really. I have a business. These are my business cards. And they are in my super cute pink case.
Glasses Case
Matches my purse. Matches a lot of stuff I own come to think of it. I have to wear my glasses all the time and for that reason I also have prescription
sunglasses. I find that with the sun being so low in the sky during winter, I often
have to wear them when I’m driving as much as I do in the summer so they pretty
much stay in my bag all year. And if they aren't in my bag then they're in my car.
Diary & Notebook
I have about four different diaries and planners for various things,
but this is the one that comes everywhere with me. It's got all my personal and work appointments in it and I'd be a bit lost without it. As with my diaries, I usually have about three notebooks on the go. This one is my business one so that if I think of an idea while I'm out and about, I can jot it down straight away.
I am currently favouring the blue freebie which I picked up at a training for work because it has black ink (can’t stand blue) and has a stylus on the end to use with my phone and iPad. I also love the pink one that my manager got me for Christmas. Not only is it pink on the outside, but it has pink ink too!
Bottle of water from a Happy Meal I had on Friday, a tin of mints, a couple of hi-fi bars that I didn't have at work because I had the Happy Meal and some bourbons that are looking a little crushed. Might just put them out of their misery now actually...
Lip Balms
It's a miracle that I even have one in here. My bag is usually a Bermuda Triangle for lip balms. I love Burt's Bees because it makes your lips feel all tingly, but I also love my Lip Bonbons because it's tinted and smells and tastes great. (Public Service Announcement: please do not eat lip balm!)
Badge Tab
I'm not sure why this is in here because I don't do Rangers anymore (sob) and I didn't even wear uniform to the last meeting of the term because it was Christmas. I'm kinda glad it's in here though as it shows how much a part of my life guiding is. In case you're wondering the navy badge at the top is my Promise badge (not my original one as I think that's still on my Guide badge tab), the gold and blue one is the World badge, the diamond-shaped one with the horse is the Greater London Kent Country badge, the aqua, diamond-shaped one is my Chief Guide's Challenge Award and the globe is from when I went on a GOLD project to Russia.
Cosmetic Bag
I've had this little cosmetic bag for years now and it goes in whatever bag I am using at the time as it's full of essentials. In it I keep Paracetamol for headaches, Nurofen for period pain, Strepsils for when
I have a sore throat and tissues for when I have a cold. I also keep a couple of sanitary towels in there in case Shark Week strikes when I'm not expecting it, Rescue Remedy Pastilles, a hairband in case I lose the one that lives on my wrist, my blingy compact mirror for make-up emergencies, lens cleaner because I can't stand it when my glasses are grubby and a tape measure because I am my mother's daughter and she's taught me that you never know when you might need one.
Hand Cream
I suffer from sore, dry hands really badly in the winter. They've not actually been too bad so far this year because of how mild it's been. I usually use Soap & Glory's Hand Food, but Zoella's Hungry Hands is currently in my bag because it smells like Christmas!
Tea Bags & Honey
Until recently I hadn't drunk tea since I was little when I used to drink it from a Tommee Tippee cup. Someone recommended Lemon & Ginger tea for when sore throats and since I often get throat infections, I've made myself acquire a taste for it. Now I drink it most mornings. I was also recommended Manuka honey which has a double use because I don't think I could handle the ginger without it. This one also has Vitamin C in it so helps to fight those pesky common colds that lead to my throat infections in the first place.
Not only do I have a fear of my phone running out of battery, but I also tend to listen to music or podcasts on it in my car so my lightning lead stays in my bag and the one that came with my iPad stays at home. Again I think I’d cry if my Fitbit were to die while I was out and about. Knowing my luck I’d end up doing loads of steps that day. I don't have a spare so it's quite risky having it out and about with me. I also got this power bank at a training I went to in December, but it's probably not even charged. USB? I don't know why!
Camera Bits
This little tripod is years old from when I had a compact camera. It was so handy and it seemed a shame not to use it so I took the phone holder off my selfie stick (which I don't even use - I got it off Groupon) so I could attach it to the tripod. I've also got the remote that came with the selfie stick, but when I tried to use it at Christmas I couldn't get it to work.
I bought this for £2 from Wilko back in October and it has been in my bag ever since. I know everyone essentially has a torch on their phone nowadays, but it drains the battery so much (see above fear) so I find this handy to have on me particularly when it's dark in the mornings and evenings. I also imagine it would be great to shine on various surfaces to wind up a cat, but seeing as I don't have one I can't test that theory.
Random Crap
Letter from a friend in France that came with our Christmas card, a payslip, tickets from when we went to see A Christmas Carol, a lottery ticket which I just scanned and it didn't win and a pompom which appears to have come off a pair of socks I got at Christmas!
So that is the contents of my bag. Now I need to decide what items are essential enough to put back in and what I need to find an alternative home for. So far most of it has just gone back in my bag, just more tidily.